By committing himself to relieve pain and mental agony, the graduated pain therapist of the German Society for Naturopathy and Energetic Pain Therapy, ayurvedic life coach and author, Hans Georg van Herste travelled through half Europe, South Africa and East Asia.

In South Korea, he asked to be instructed in the Korean massage, which may release even the most severe muscle agglutinations. In South Africa, he ran the opportunity to look over a midwife´s shoulder, who taught him how to conduct the birth preparation of the two trees.
Over the course of many years, he traveled to India in order to experience and learn the original Ayur Veda. Lakshmi and Shakti, two old-established healers, chose him as their student, drove him through his own, frequently turning out to be painful self-awareness, allowed him to have a look behind the curtains, explained to him the world by means of the ayurvedic point of view, taught him amazing and amazingly simple healing methods and finally rewarded him with a many century-old palm leaf. This honor is only reserved to very few people and made him to one of the happiest people on Earth.
With this book, Hans Georg van Herste reveals his knowledge and invites the reader to take part in his adventures and experiences. The curious reader will find out much more, than the price of a pack of coffee.

Whether as instructive inner examination or just as interesting reading – this book opens gates and conjures up the spirit of ancient knowledge and makes it appear in a new life.

166 pages, 14,80€, ISBN: 978-3837099584 – order at